Breast Lifts Before & After Mastopexy

You should be aware before deciding on a breast lift that major complications are rare after breast lift surgery, though you should expect some pain and minor general discomfort.

Your breasts may be bruised, sensitive, swollen and itchy along the incision site after a mastopexy, although these symptoms should disappear within a week or two.    There may be a temporary loss of feeling or increased sensation around the nipple, but this too will generally disappear after a few days.

The major drawback of breast lift surgery is scarring.  These will fade somewhat with time, but you need to remember that some mastopexy scarring will be permanent. Most breast lift patients discover the benefits of mastopexy outweigh the appearance of scars.

    Need medical advice?

    Schedule an appointment for the same day or within 48 hours with an urgent GP referral.

    GP referral is required for all appointments except for mammogram screening.

    Call us on 0800 78 62 75
    or 09 520 0389


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