Breast Lift Recovery - After Mastopexy Surgery

You should discuss any concerns and problems you are experiencing after breast lift surgery during post-surgery consultations with your breast care professional.

A six month complete recovery period from a mastopexy is common. You may return to work after one week after breast lift surgery, although you may need to wait longer if your job requires lifting or is strenuous.  Vigorous exercise may be resumed about four weeks after a breast lift.

Keep an eye out for signs of infection after your breast lift.  Signs of infection include a fever, which is often accompanied by a chilled feeling, decreased appetite, headache, and dehydration.  Another sign of infection is suddenly feeling lethargic and exhausted after a period of good recovery.

    Need medical advice?

    Schedule an appointment for the same day or within 48 hours with an urgent GP referral.

    GP referral is required for all appointments except for mammogram screening.

    Call us on 0800 78 62 75
    or 09 520 0389


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