Nipple Reconstruction

What is Nipple Reconstruction?

Nipple reconstruction is performed during surgery by using tissue fromanother part of the body and grafting it to the breast in such a way that a nipple is formed.

Who is Nipple Reconstruction suitable for?

Nipple surgeryis suitable for breast reconstruction patients who prefer a more natural appearing breast.

Why is Nipple Reconstruction done?

A reconstructed breast will have the skin of a normal breast but without the presence of a nipple and areola. Nipple reconstruction is done for purely cosmetic reasons to achieve a more natural looking breast with a nipple. Studies have shown that reconstructing the nipple area produces a higher patient satisfaction and acceptance of general body image.

What is the process?

Nipple reconstruction can be performed under local anesthesia, in which a star-shaped flap of tissue is grafted to the breast and sutured in place, forming a nipple. The new areola will be created by permanently tattooing the colour onto the skin. This is usually done 3 – 6 months after nipple reconstruction surgery, and effectively covers the scars from creating the nipple.

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    or 09 520 0389


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