GP Referral Partnering

The specialist health care services offered by St Marks Breast Centre compliment the care received from GP’s. The majority of women who come to St Marks Breast Centre are GP referred.

The GP is the major health professional in women’s life, they’re uniquely placed to advise women about the risks of developing breast cancer and the natural extension of this discussion involves performing and referring the screening of breasts.

The GP can confidently refer patients to St Marks knowing St Marks uses the  best technology in the hands of the most experienced breast clinic specialists to diagnose and manage all breast problems.

Why use St Marks Breast Centre

  • We have seen over 60,000 woman on GP referrals.
  • We were the first breast clinic set-up in New Zealand in 1993.
  • We offer an online referral system.
  • We offer electronic results.
  • We cater for GP urgent patients.
  • We maintain the communications loop.

    Need medical advice?

    Schedule an appointment for the same day or within 48 hours with an urgent GP referral.

    GP referral is required for all appointments except for mammogram screening.

    Call us on 0800 78 62 75
    or 09 520 0389


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